What's Tritium?
Tritium is a rare material, with unique capabilities which can be harnessed for long-lasting glow technology. It's among the ten most expensive materials in the world and has mostly only been used in high-end watch faces and camping equipment.
It's unique as it can be used to produce a continuous glow for years without any need for exposure to light or any other form of energy. This is because Tritium gas is radioactive and as it decays, becoming a Tralphium (3He) stable isotope, it releases beta particles which, when in contact with phosphor-containing material, create light. There are few materials that act like this, and the ones that do are mostly dangerously radioactive or extremely expensive.
Don't worry however as the beta particles that Tritium produces are non-harmful, they can't pass through paper, let alone human skin or dual-layered glass vial we conceal it in. It's only a hazard if it's somehow ingested (please don't try eating it).
Our Tritium pendants won't fade quickly like the regular glow material you find everywhere, you'll always see it glow unless you're somewhere bright. It glows 24/7. Tritium has a half-life of 12.3 years, meaning after 12.3 years the pendant will glow half as bright, and after 24.6 years will glow a quarter as bright.